Wednesday 16 October 2013

Task 1D - Flickr

So I think I have talked about quite a lot in previous Blogs about how important first impressions are to a potential employer and within the performing arts world frequently when applying for jobs you are asked to attach some photos. First and foremost is usually your headshot and then they may ask for a few full length dance or commercial photos. 

I have a Network Dance account which has a version of my CV and some photos which people can look at and allows employers to look at.

I have made a Flickr account which has a stream of a few photos of me dancing and a headshot so feel free to have a look.

As performers we use photography to advertise ourselves so of course we want to make sure that we look our best in our dance action shots and headshots which we publish online or send to people. This is the first thing people see is a still photo taken of you before they even see your movement style but in this day and age that is how employers may make the first cut when applying for a job. I personally feel that this can be a bit harsh that you are initially judged on a photo before people have to see you move in person as although a photo can show a lot about you I don't think it can show off a true ability that can only be seen through a live or video viewing. Although if someone does see a photo a can tell straight away that for example they are looking for someone who is has brunette hair and not blond hair then I suppose it can be useful and save people spending money to audition for something that they weren't suitable for to begin with.


  1. Some lovely images Rohanne, well done.

    In terms of 'harshness', its a reality of your industry isn't it? but you are doing the right thing, by managing the images that go up, people will tend to find these images before any put up by others, so you are able to manage what people see of you.

    That is crucial in managing your career.

  2. Hi Rohanne

    Your photos are great. You've shown a clear headshot and some great images of you in action/showing your capabilities.

    I've uploaded a few photos of images of our forthcoming show, but finding that as a teacher, not a performer it is much more difficult choosing suitable images.

    I agree with Alan that the harshness is a reality of our industry. If your face doesn't fit, even if you're the best dancer in the world, you're not getting the job. Unfortunately.

    On a separate note, I thought it might be helpful if everyone added the 'subscribe via email' option to their blog? You can find this in the 'layout' section of your blogger clicking on 'add a gadget' (I've put mine above my profile) and then choosing the 'subscribe via email' gadget. I thought this could save us all time as rather than checking everyday to see what's new, we would get an email telling us someone has a new blog topic. Just a thought! I'm going to post this to everyone.


  3. Thanks for the feedback! Also I have added that Subscribe by Email gadget! I hope it helps.

    Rohanne x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Rohanne.
    Wow your photos are amazing! Great ballerina!
    I agree that the performing arts industry is hard and isn't it annoying when you go to an audition and all they want is brunette girls or blonde girls. Such a waste of time if you're none of the ones they want. ha ha.
    I've chosen a completely different bunch of photos for my flickr, so please do have a peek.

