Friday, 31 October 2014

Module 3 Update

Inquiry title - Dancers Experiences of Injury and How They Cope

I had a very nice chat today with Paula discussing my inquiry and refining my thoughts and what I need to do next to progress it through this final phase of the course. I am trying to push through as much of the stuff as I can through the next two weeks as I start a contract shortly which will limit the time I can spend working on my inquiry so you will be hearing a lot from me.

What I need to do;

1. Literature Review
I have started my literature review although having spoken with Paula I have a better understanding of what it needs to consist of and I have realised I need to increase the amount of sources included. I have spent a good bit of time over the past few months trying to keep up with reading into my topic of inquiry so this has helped me greatly with putting together the review. As I have a main structure of it and I do have other sources that I have read and can use I just need to tweak the review which shouldn't take too long. 

2. Surveys
I have in my head ideas for my survey and my pilot survey in module 2 will also help me with that but now its just a matter of creating it on survey monkey. I have also realised that I have to ensure that my survey goes out to people who definitely meet the correct criteria so that I get the most honest answers. I want to ensure that it goes out to either currently training or professional dancers that have had an injury that has resulted in them having to stop dance for a length of time (This can range from a few days to a few months).

3. Interviews 
Finally I need to create 3 interviews. Due to my circumstances over this module I have decided that my interviews will have to be held over Skype. I have decided on areas I want covered in my interview however I do not want to make it too structured as I want the interviewee to feel comfortable to openly respond but I still can get the information I am looking for. I am planning on initially interviewing 3 people. Firstly 2 dancers I know who have struggled with serious injuries (the first is still in training and the second is a professional dancer) and the third interview if with a specialist dance psychologist. I hope to get in contact with the dance psychologist who used to work at the college I was at as I know she has experience in my specific topic. Also Paula mentioned that after I gather my information from these interviews I could always interview a few more dancers as I may want to get the opinions from a few other people.

These are the first three things I am going to concentrate on over the next few weeks. I will post more with more structured versions of my surveys and interviews for you to see where I am going with them. As you can see I still have a lot of work to do but I hope to power on with the written stuff over the next few weeks.

I hope you are all getting on well with module 3.

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